They Laughed When I Showed Them
My New Digital Camera, But When I Showed Them the Pictures...
They stood
stunned, unable to believe the pro-quality photos they were
looking at were taken by me.
Excellent beginning /intermediate guide to digital photography. Was a birthday present for my dad, who rates it highly. I have also browsed through it and picked up some good tips. Layout of book is good and example pictures to illustrate points. No nonsense guide.
This book meets my expectations. It contains (visually as well) all of the information I need to learn how to take better photographs focusing heavily on the creative side and not just technical.
Eros R.
My niece completely loved this book (who's been studying photography).. and judging by her recent photo work, the tips contained in this book are well-worth the price point of buying it!
Don Meyers
This book is fantastic. Covers all the basics and more in a very easy to understand way. Very happy with this purchase.
Very informative book on photography
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Photography is a fun hobby for some and a rewarding career for others. I have actively been trying to improve my photography skills, and I have collected a few books on various topics relating to photography. I was pleased to have the opportunity to look at this book, which has turned out to be a much better book for me than most. It is suitable for the beginner as well as more experienced photographers and would work well in a course of study.
P Wilson
I consider myself an avid amateur photographer, having started to take photos many years ago (using film) and in the past three years picking up the hobby again using DSLRs.
While I consider myself a pretty good photographer, photography is something you can take a lifetime to learn, so a book like “Complete Photography: Understand Cameras to Take, Edit and Share Better Photos” is a very handy resource to have around.
Jamie M
Photography hobbyists live in lucky times--highly capable cameras available at inexpensive prices and excellent photography books that can help anyone improve.
I've been taking photos since film days and seem to learn something new from every new comprehensive photography guide. This one is no exception. Right off the bat, I liked the organization--both the topics chosen and the simplicity of the layout--color photos on part of every 2 page spread that don't overwhelm the text and aren't cluttered.
Louanne M. Machacek
This is a comprehensive book, almost a textbook, on photography. If you've been taking photos for a while and now you want to understand what is going on in that camera of yours, this is an excellent and thorough book. Learn to understand (and manipulate) focus, exposure, depth of field, shutter speed, and many many effects. Well-illustrated with examples, diagrams, and easy-to-understand explanations. How does flash photography work? Better, how to make flash photography work for the effect you desire. Same with pretty much every aspect of photography. There is a large section on different kinds of cameras and how they "see", all the different lenses and what they do. This is the single most comprehensive one I've seen. If you love photography, whether it is using the camera on your phone or a large format Hassleblad, you will want to own this book. I can't think of anything the author has left out. Big, complete book. Beautifully done.
L. D. Stone
The Complete Photography: Understand Cameras to Take, Edit and Share Better Photos book is must-have for students, hobbyist, or those perusing a career in photography. This book is large in size and covers everything a beginner, amateur or professional would want or need to know when it comes to learning specific techniques and skills.
Kindle Customer
Very informative, easy to read book that really helped me think like a photographer. I’ve been doing real estate photography for a couple of years, but my “education” was in-the-field job training with little to no technical language behind it. This book is helping me develop my craft and think critically about how to shoot smarter, both on the job and on the side.
very good book no matter where you are in your photography “career”.
As a photographer of many years (since the late 1970s) I am very impressed with this rather comprehensive new photography book. I expected to read about things I learned years ago. After all, I have lived a broad evolution of photography. I started as a kid doing successful wild cave photography with a cheap Instamatic Camera with Magicubes (one flash and they were done). As a young adult I did completely manual photography on complex cameras. Theoretically, I should be unable to find anything new in this book. But low and behold, even though I have evolved to digital photography, it turns out that an old dog can learn new tricks in this book. For example, this book taught me about "Focus Stacking," something new to me. I also learned thankfully that if I use a flash from my older camera and put it on the flash shoe of my current Leica, I can blow out the fine circuits of my camera because of the older flashes using higher voltage.The changes in Noise control and ISO aspects was also part of my new learning curve. No matter who you are, I am sure there is something for you
Jane C.
Awesome. This book is about the best I have come cross explaining so much about photography that there really isn't much to offer in criticism.
The book goes from the origins of photography to all kinds of excellent advice about taking pictures and editing and everything else.
This is complete photography. This is the kind of book to read and dip into with questions. I love the format, which doesn't go in-depth on any particular subject, but has more than enough to allow me to understand a number of topics including more technical applications. I really loved how much I was able to learn just by dipping in here and there. There are innumerable examples with color pictures which is very helpful. A definite plus for any photographer. There is so much information here that even a few tips are worth the cost.
I haughtily recommend this book for what it is. Excellent!
L. D. Stone
This book is a fairly complete guide on all things photography. Being a casual photographer shooting in both DSLR and pro-sumer automatic, it has a ton of helpful guidelines and tips. It’s always helpful to be reminded of exposure settings and what aperture and shutter speed is required for what I’m trying to achieve. There are even tips on composition.
I would find that for the beginner photographer looking to really to get into photography more that the book is much more helpful. It touches on what equipment should be carrying in your bag as well as the types of lenses you would use.
I also found that the masterclass sections of each chapter are worth an in depth read. It gives examples and ways to achieve them. The least helpful was the post-processing section since I am familiar with the various software typically used.
Robin K
Dear Friend,
If you want to really learn
digital photography... if you have a digital camera
but don't understand half of its features... if you are considering
moving up froman old "film-style" camera to a digital camera
but aren't quite sure what kind of camera to get... this websitewas
written just for you.
Here's the story..
They Laughed at Me
I have never been known as the technical type.
So when I got a digital camera for Christmas, my friends
thought it was kind of funny.
I mean, I'm the person whose VCR still blinks "12:00" because
I don't know how to set the clock.
Heck, come to think of it...I'm probably the only person
in the US who still owns a VCR.
Anyway, you can see why my friends thought I was not the
person who would excel with a digital camera. I take decent
pictures with my old 35mm...but digital? A camera I have to
"boot up"?
Well, I decided. I would show them...
How I Became A Digital
Camera Genius
Okay, I'm not really a digital camera genius. But my friends
all think I am. Here's why...
I really decided I was going to figure this digital camer
thing out...so I started studying.
I read my camera's manual (a good place to start).
I got some magazines, some books, and started reading a lot
of web sites about digital photography. Here's what I found
It's Easier Than You Think!
Turns out digital photography is not complicated once you
know a few basics. In fact, it's way easier than "regular
old photography".
Some of the reasons are:
No film costs.
(Take as many pictures as you want...they're free!)
No processing costs.
You can "fix" your photos on your computer.
Only print the pictures you want.
Practice as much as
you want - with cheap storage now available, you
can take and store as many pictures as you like.
And you don't need to know a lot of technical stuff.
That's the big secret.
In fact, what I discovered was that there are only a few
key tricks and tactics that can make you TEN TIMES better
as a photogapher once you know them.
Here's the problem...
There's No Simple Guide
I searched an searched for a good simple guide to digital
You know, a booklet that was low on fluff and just tells
me what I need to know about digital photography.
I don't want to know all the techincal details, or read a
university-level course on photographic composition, etc.
I just want to know...what are the basic tips that pro digital
photographers know that woudl make my pictures a lot
Just teach me those tips, was what I was thinking.
I couldn't find such a booklet.
So I compiled all my research, and had one created!
The Secrets Of Taking Great
Digital Photos Every Time
This is the guide I was looking for but couldn't find. It's
called Digital Photography
Mastery. And here's just some of what's inside...
All about going digital - the
hows and whys of digital photography, and why it makes
your photographs better. (page 6-10)
101 - yes, this is the world's quickest &
simplest "get up to speed" guide on taking great pictures.
(page 12-14)
Choosing a camera - If you don't
have a camera yet, or you're thinking of getting a different
one, this checklist will make your choice simple.
(pages 14-17)
you need - hey, don't let camera salesperson
load you up with a bunch of junk you don't need. Here's
what you do need - plain & simple. (page 18)
The clear guide to lenses - the
basic lenses that will give you all the photo firepower
you'll ever need. (page 19)
A firm
foundation: your tripod. This simple tool will
go a long way to making you a pro. Simple tripod tricks
make you look like Ansel Adams! (page 21)
secret lighting method pros use. Forget the flash!
When you use this secret tool, you'll be amazed at how
much better your photos look. (page 22)
Your basic photo toolbox. Just
a handful of tools you must have in your toolbox to
take great photos. (page 23-27)
gadgets that ramp up your "picture power".
Add these little babies to your toolkit for the extra
edge that sets your photos apart from all the rest.
(page 28-33)
Settings Clinic. The quick & simple
guide to all your camera's settings, when & how
to use them, and why "Auto" might not be your friend.
(page 34-40)
- Types of photography
and how to do each. Quick tips to enhance
your portraits, landscapes, nature, wildlife, zoo,
sports, winter scenes, water shots, night photos, and
more. (page 47-60)
- Printing and Editing.
how to "fix" and enhance your photos in
simple editing software - and how to print like a pro
for pennies on the dollar. (page 67-69)
- Checklists that get
you going. The quick & simple checklists
that will have you taking better photos from day 1! (page
This just scratches the surface of what's in the book.
I give you everything you need to really get started in your
new hobby.
I'm sure that right about now, you're wondering...
How Much Does The Book Cost?
The real question is ask is: how
much is it worth to finally know all the stuff about
digital photography you've always wanted to know?
I suppose you could do what most people do -- just "make
it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method.
But why not take advantage of the experience and knowledge
I've put into this simple book?
And I boil it all down for you
in very simple, easy to understand terms.
Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you can put
to work right now.
your copy of the book for just $27.
And just in case you missed what I was saying, let me be
You Get The Book

When you order your copy of Digital
Photography Mastery today,
- Downloadable eBook.
You can be reading Digital
Photography Mastery in as little as 2 minutes from
right now (even if it's 2am on a Sunday!). My automated
system will deliver your copy as a downloadable PDF file
(which can be read on any computer). You can read the book
on your computer, or you can print it out if you like.
Download your copy.
Try The Book Risk-Free For 8 Full Weeks!
There's no need to make up your mind right
Get your copy of the book.
Read it.
Start enjoying the fun of digital
See if it works for you -- if it gets you started on your
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I don't want you to take any risk at all in ordering this
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If at the end of the 8 weeks you don't feel amazed,
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8-Week Unconditional Guarantee"
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If Digital
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I don't want to keep your money.
Get your
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If it doesn't fulfill your every
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If you're not 100%
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Just ask for a refund and I'll send
you every penny of your money back.
It's that simple, and the risk is
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For A Limited Time, Order Now And Get These offer
Don't forget - you have up to 2 whole months
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For that matter, you get to keep everything
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If you were less than honest, you could download
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But I'm placing my faith in you, I trust you
won't do such a thing!
Order Your Own Personal Copy Of Digital
Photography Mastery Right
Download Form
I want to finally learn how to I can become
the Top-Notch
Digital Photograpger I've always wanted
to be.. please give
me INSTANT ACCESS to my downloadable
copy of Digital
Photography Mastery right now...
I understand my order will
be processed on a totally secure server,
and once it is processed, I will be able
to immediately
download my eBook (electronic book)...
even if it's 2am on a Sunday. |
I understand I will immediately get that will the information in the eBook and help me successfully enjoy digital photography. |
I understand that I have
56 days (8 weeks) to test each and every
bit of information in your book and if
I am not 100% thrilled with Digital
Photography Mastery,
I can get a full refund. |
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The instant my order is approved,
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What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose...
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Do it now.
Jhon A M
Now's your chance to finally
get started in digital photography. This one
is a no-brainer thanks to your 8-week guarantee. Do
it now...